Monday, November 9, 2009

Adenocarcinoma More Condition_symptoms What Do You Know About Adenocarcinoma Of The Stomach In Dogs?

What do you know about adenocarcinoma of the stomach in dogs? - adenocarcinoma more condition_symptoms

We have a beloved dog, a shepherd mix who is 14 years. He has had two transfusions, and today had a gastroscopy. The doctor discovered an adenocarcinoma of the stomach, the pyloric area.

Our vet does not think he should have the surgery do not feel that he is in a difficult area (what is this?) Function. He said he could lead us to a specialist if I wanted your opinion.

What are the chances that cancer can be cured? We have the operation?


Vet_Tech... said...

Well, first let me say I applaud the pocket to find out what was wrong with her beloved dog. Few people had done what he did.

The section of the pyloric stomach is the area which is closest to the opening of the intestine begins. The specialist who knows exactly how to operate without damaging the stomach or intestine.

As the possibilities, it just comes. It is likely that the specialist be able to get the tumor, but with any surgery, you have to weigh the risks. It's an older dog risks associated with general anesthesia will be higher, but deal with the major technological advances in veterinary medicine to this risk.

If you speak to a specialist in a position to answer all your questions and hopefully put your mind at ease. Make sure you write all your questions my password so you do not, place an order while you're there.

The decision is ultimately up to you, but I wish you much success with, what you choose, and I hope your dog gets a large number of OSARS with you. Good luck!

chihuahua mama said...

With the age of the dog and the type of cancer you have, how the man most likely to sleep. I do not know what they want to hear, but he lived a good long life. It is not likely to survive, operation, or if you do not have good quality of life. My husband had an operation for stomach cancer this summer. His health has deteriorated since the operation, but we say that the cancer is gone. His speech was also a tough patch. It was the stomach at the bottom. Very few surgeons here, not even surgery. I'm sorry that you live with your dog.

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